I sat between Laela and Solly on the way to the restaurant, so Brady, my mom, and I could all be close. Some were happier for my presence there than others.
It was a little bit silly getting started, to be honest. Tuesday is “kids eat free” day, yet they don’t take reservations. It shocked me a bit, because no one wants to come in, loaded down with kids, and wait for an hour for supper. There was ONE location in the city that would make a reservation for us, but it was the furthest one. Instead, we drove to the closest one and hoped for the best. We waited about 10-15 minutes but they cleared a nice big space for us, which was worth the wait.
The kids broke out the crayons right away and colored and colored and colored. Our server came and took all of our orders, and then the wait began. It would have been too long, if not for the balloon guy that was there!! He came and chatted up the kids and made them balloon animals. And it was truly awesome!!!
Dekker told him his favorite color was orange, so he got a fish that he just loved to whap everyone in the face with. A true win.
When it was Laela’s turn, right away she announced “I like purple.” He asked her if she’d like a bunny, or maybe a dragon fly, and she jumped up and squealed “Dragonfly!!” Don’t ask me why, but she was so excited, and hers was by far everyone’s favorite.
When it came to Rowan, the balloon man asked what he might like. I sarcastically said “You can’t make a train, can you?” And then he did! Rowan drove it along the table until his food came.
And Solly would likely bite and ingest the balloon, so he just sat and watched and looked cute.
The food was SO good. The kids ate great, and were so sweet and thankful. I always love going to Montana’s on Tuesdays when kids eat free. Obviously, I love that the kids could eat free, since it makes it a bit nicer financially. But I like that we can go there, and the kids can play and be rowdy and louder, and they’re not the only ones, haha! Tuesdays at Montanas are not quiet, relaxing affairs, but they’re really well suited to our family. We did not make it an official Montanas birthday, with the bells and songs and the hat with the horns, because it would have terrified our children. We know this. But I’d still say it was a great birthday party for our sweet Rowan!!
We all slept hard last night. Some of us are still tuckered out.
*** Mom, it makes me so sad that you took all of these pictures, and therefore, aren’t in any of them. We LOVED that you were there!! Love you so much!!