Laela and Rowan

My two middle kids have a great dynamic. I love their relationship. I don’t know if they just click really well, or because they’re alone together more when Dekker’s at school, or what exactly, but they play SO well with one another. Maybe it’ll just be for a stage of life, or maybe forever. I don’t know. I keep waiting for their ages to interfere. Laela is three, and apparently three is a terribly age (Its not) and Rowan is 20 months ish, which is often when kids start to hit the “terrible twos.” So wouldn’t they either hate each other, or at least wreak havoc on everything when they’re together? Well, they don’t, so I’m just enjoying how well they play together. Its so sweet.

The two of them will often disappear in the day, into one of their rooms, with the door closed. When I go investigate the situation, they’ve usually spread the blankets out on the floor. A small pile of smaller toys (links, Hot Wheels, etc.) is in the centre of the room, and they’re just sitting beside it. “We havin’ a fire!” Laela explains. Always. Always having a fire. Its awesome, and no one is getting into mischief or anything, so I really can’t complain.

This morning, I’m sitting in our living room, sipping a latte while the baby sleeps and Ro and Laela play downstairs. They’re well within earshot, I promise. And I’m hearing some lovely, lovely things. Amidst Rowan crying, anyway, haha!

Rowan: Waaaaah!
Laela: Whats wrong, Rowan? You hurt your feet? I can kiss them.

Rowan: Waaaaah!
Laela: Whats wrong, Rowan? Oh, I’ll help you!

Laela: *heads upstairs*
Rowan: Waaaaah!
Laela: Whats wrong, Rowan? You want to stay downstairs?
Rowan: Yaaaaa…
Laela: Oh, haha! Ok, Rowan! Not Worry. *stays down*

Laela: Rowan Rowan Rowan! Watch this!! *does something amazing*
Rowan: WOWWWW! *claps*

Laela: *comes upstairs, pauses* I miss Rowan. *goes back downstairs*

These tiny interactions just warm my heart, and I am thrilled to say that they happen so often. They have their moments where they butt heads or disagree, but I love my siblings and we still disagree on stuff sometimes. Its just life.

I know we all feel that our kids are the best, and we should all believe the best in our kids.

But mine are the best. 😏


I REALLY Don’t Want to Post About the Election

The American election went down yesterday, and I mean that in both senses of the world. It “went down” as in it happened, and also as in it went down. My heart breaks for so many people groups, and it cries out to God to protect them. I also pray that God will change the heart of the new president, and holder of so much power.

But I really, really don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to be ignorant, but I also don’t want to dwell on something that I see as very negative. So today, I’m not choosing to keep my head in the sand, but I’ll raise it up to the sun instead.

My kids have been beautiful rays of sunshine today. They are innocent and oblivious to whats going on in the world right now, and I’m comfortable with that. They have spent their morning being surprisingly sweet to each other, with very few “hiccups.” I’ve overheard Dekker telling all three other kids how much he loves them. I’ve seen Laela tuck Rowan into a big ball of blankets. I’ve seen Rowan gather up the kids water bottles and bring them to the table when he saw I was preparing lunch. I’ve felt Solly’s big wet kisses, when I go for his cheek and he flails around until he gets my mouth. I’ve had a good solid snuggle with all four of the kids. Its been a soft, loving, innocent morning. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the amazing children I’ve been blessed with.

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Look at those faces. They make my day SO much better SO often!

Whether its your family, your friends, your job, a hobby, a passion, silence, whatever it is or wherever you find it, choose sunshine! Chaos will still be here tomorrow, and tomorrow can worry about itself. Worry will gain you nothing. So just choose sunshine. CHOOSE IT! ☀️

“That Family”

In a handful of settings, we’re “that family.” I don’t flatter myself into thinking we’re in some type of spotlight, but I do know that, even when we try to stay under the radar, we do stand out just because there are lots of us. And thats ok. We keep a pretty low profile. I like our life.

Buying this new van, though, has added us to the “that family” category once again. We are that family with the bus. Hahaha! Oy. The bus.

I took Dekker to school in our bus this morning. Our minivan is still plated and insured (anyone wanna buuuuuy it??) but while I’m intimidated by the bus, I actually really like it and have enjoyed the small amount of driving I’ve done in it. I did giggle a little bit about taking one kid to school in a twelve passenger vehicle, but thats just our car now! As I was saying, I took him to school in our bus, got him dropped off, and visited with Kim outside our vehicles for a couple of minutes. I noticed a lot of stares as people drove by. It was funny to watch the reactions, but they didn’t make me feel as awkward as I thought they would. So I’m that mom! And I’m ok with that! Our bus will probably seem like a novelty for a while and then it’ll just be old hat.

I did want to say a big thank you to everyone who liked and commented on yesterdays post. These kinds of purchases open up the door to talk about our family and how we’d like it to grow, and while that can be such a taboo subject, I didn’t feel a lick of judgement yesterday! Not one! Thank you, everyone, for being so supportive in our dreams to build a big family and be “that family,” whatever that might mean to anyone at any given time. I feel the love and support you’re all sending our way, and I really really appreciate it. Please continue the good feelings, and forgive us for the inevitable hole in the ozone forming above our house, thanks to our bus. #judgementfreezone More like #judgementfreeozone ???

Off To Do Something Unconventional

I posted a picture on Facebook today with the caption “Off to do something unconventional.” I thought about it later on, and wondered if I had the definition right. Its definitely not unheard of for me to misuse words, so I looked it up, and sure enough, “unconventional” is defined as “not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.” Honestly, the definition was even better than I had hoped.

So, this unconventional thing that we did…img_5187 img_5190 img_5189

We bought ourselves a new van. A twelve passenger van.

“Why the huge van, Hailey? Are you guys pregnant??”

No, we are not pregnant, but in planning for our family, we would sure like to be pregnant down the road, and have more kids in the future. We have been toying with the idea recently, as our minivan is pretty loaded down with the six of us, Just think about our road trips to Winnipeg. We can make it work, but it is FULL, and needs to be packed incredibly meticulously. It CAN be done, but we know a bigger vehicle would be SO much nicer. We were in absolutely no rush, and just keeping our eyes open. And then out of nowhere, here it was. Well, not out of nowhere. Out of Driving Force…


And now its HERE! Does anyone else think its hilarious how much space it takes up in our garage? Honestly, I’m SO happy it fits at all! But seriously, look how tall it is in comparison to the garage door! We definitely couldn’t cut it any closer! Goodbye, underground parking, certain hotel parking, drive-thrus, etc. We sacrifice you for the comfort of a more spacious vehicle. And we are THRILLED with the outcome!

Dekker commented earlier this evening, “There are so many seats! Thats good for more people. Babies, and then bigger kids, after they’re babies. I think…seven kids.”

Lol! Noted. Thanks for the input.

It was an unexpectedly fun day!

Made It!

We actually found our way to church this morning! I can’t remember the last time we went, honestly, which is sad. It was really really good to get back, honestly. I wasn’t sure how the kids would do after being gone for so very long, and it was actually a really big crowd, but they did great!! We managed to get Dekker down to childrens church, which used to be a HUGE source of anxiety for him. School has helped so much with his social skills, so even though he wasn’t fond of the idea, it didn’t take too terribly much coaxing for him to stay. Upstairs, in the service, Solly was really quiet and chill. He even drank a bit, which was a life saver when he started to get the teeniest bit chatty. Rowan and Laela did really well too, drawing and “reading” the hymnals, with only one noisy outburst from Rowan that was diffused quickly.

With the morning being full of church, however, the kids were in rough shape through lunch at my parents place, and into the afternoon. We put Solly down pretty much right when we got to my parents place, and Ro went down right after lunch. Dekker and Laela decided they needed to fight enough for all four of them, which got old really really quickly. Brady threw on a show for them, to give their brains a break, and my mom and I headed into the city to get her an upgraded phone, since she was due for one and there was a really good promotion on only today and tomorrow.

Getting her phone took much longer than we anticipated, but it was still nice to be out of the house for a little while. We had a nice chat while everything went down and got organized, and the drive to and from was really nice and relaxed as well. We had a light supper when we got back, and fairly soon after that, we headed home.

Now, the super overtired kids are in bed, save for Solly who is having some milk and will be in bed in the next few minutes or so. And then a soak for this old lady!!

Here’s hoping for a smoother week than last week, and the week before that! Oy!

(PS: Thanks to those of you who messaged me that you had off-weeks as well. Made me feel good to know it wasn’t just me, and now you all know that it wasn’t just you)

Back to my Normal Abnormal

I’ve been feeling kind of off this week. I can’t pinpoint exactly why, but its been a weird week. I’ve felt at odds with Brady. I’ve felt like the kids are struggling harder than usual. I’ve felt like there’s lots to do but not much I can do. I’ve felt too busy even though I wasn’t. Brady is really good at giving me a break when I need one, which usually involves me going up to our room, closing myself off from everyone, and laying in bed watching YouTube. However, on the evenings where I was at my wits end, the power was out, and I couldn’t do those things. So I’ve been in high stress mode for a while now.

This morning, we were making a plan for the day and I decided to call my hair stylist and see if she had an opening for me to get my buzzed side redone, and she did! So the kids ate breakfast and I went upstairs to do my makeup. Once I looked put together enough for my liking, I headed into the city. I made it to the mall, but only with a few minutes to spare, so I headed straight there, and got in right away.


I’m really really happy with how it turned out! Its so fun to go and just see what she comes up with! She did say I could bring in ideas and she could work with them, but I kind of love winging it too. I have never left an appointment with her unsatisfied. Not once. So I’ve enjoyed going in blind.

I walked back through the mall to head back to my van, and passed a HICKORY FARMS KIOSK!!! They’re out, people! Woot! As I walked, I ran into a friend who I knew years ago, and haven’t seen in a solid ten years, I’m thinking. Maybe more. It was nice to have a little visit for the first time in a long time. When we parted ways, I found a text from Kim that she was in the mall, so we had a quick chat as well while her kids played in the little play area. I headed out pretty quickly after that, but not before testing out the new spiced sweet cream cold brew at Starbucks. Apparently only members can taste it until November 9th. I have to be honest, though. I prefer the original sweet cream cold brew better. The “spice” wasn’t what I thought it would be, and weirdly, it kept making me think that maybe the cream was spoiled. It wasn’t, but it added a sharp flavor that I didn’t care for. I’ll stick to the old cold brew.

Now, I’m home, and Brady is detailing the van. Its SO dirty, but just surface dirty. It’ll clean up nicely. So if anyone is looking to purchase a family van, feel free to get in touch! I’ll attach an ad once we have pictures on it.

I will spend the rest of the day hanging with the kids in the living room, folding laundry, and braiding the manes of many little ponies. Dang pony hair.

I think I’m feeling more normal again. Not that that’s saying much. I’m not the most normal person… But I’m back to my normal abnormal, I guess. Woot!

Five Going On Generous

While eating breakfast this morning, I noticed just how gross our floor was. I’l the first to admit that I really don’t like doing floors. Do I do them anyway? Yes, but not as often as I should. But thats ok. The biggest mess on the floor is usually Cheerios under the dining room table. Today, as I watched all three kids eating their cereal, dropping Cheerios here and there, I decided it was a good day to clean them up.

“Ok guys, once you’re all done breakfast, I’m going to ask you to go around and pick up the Cheerios from under the table.” Yes, I asked them to do it by hand. Not as any weird punishment, but I knew it would go nice and quick, and frankly, if they could coordinate sweeping, I’d have offered that first.

Both Dekker and Laela said “ok” without missing a beat, so no love was lost, and breakfast continued. I washed bottles.

Dekker finished his breakfast first, said his thank yous and took his dishes to the sink. I continued washing bottles, and for a few minutes, all was quiet. Then Dekker piped up.

Dekker: How does that look, mommy?
Me: How does what look?
The floor. Does it look really clean?
*peeks* Yes! It really does! I didn’t know you were picking up Cheerios!
Ya, I thought it would be nice.
It really was!
Now Laela and Rowan don’t have to do a job!
That was really, really nice of you!
Ya… Wanna see what I’m gonna build?

And it was over, just like that. I am so very smitten with my thoughtful little boy.

Great job, Dekker Thomas! Thanks for loving your family so well!

Back to Cairo

Nah, I’m just kidding. Not Egypt. We just went to the chiropractor. But its been a long time!

Brady hadn’t been in a month, Solly not in two months, and I hadn’t been for two and a half months! It was definitely time!

Dr. Mike was in a really fun mood. Like more than usual. He’s a super upbeat guy, but today he seemed even happier. He treated Brady while trying to engage Laela in conversation. She had informed me in the van that she was too shy to talk to Dr. Mike, and that was true, until he asked what she dressed up as for Halloween.

“Purple,” she replied, without missing a beat. He seemed to get quite a kick out of that, and Laela gave in and answered a few questions. It was cute.

While he did my adjustment, he asked about some of my latest endeavours and showed very real interest in some things that I find really exciting, but didn’t expect him to really care about. Then we talked a bit more about the house and how much we love it.

Solly’s treatment was my favorite, though. If you haven’t met Solly, you should know, he is SO fun and interactive and content and he LOVES to laugh. When Dr. Mike checks Solly’s spine, it tickles, and it is SO fun to watch. Solly lays on his back, facing up, and Dr. Mike touches foreheads with him and teases him, while gently touching along his spine, and Solly just laughs and laughs, totally uninhibited. Then he gets treated a little bit, then back on his back for giggling and checking. Everything is very slow and gentle and Solly loves it! At the end, when Dr. Mike passed him back to me, he sat considerable straighter in my arms. Its amazing how it works so well! I’m so grateful for our chiropractor. We sure seem to have the cream of the crop in every facet of health care!

Now that we’re all well adjust human beings (welllll…..) we’re home. Besides Dekker, I suppose. He’s at school. Brady is on the roof, working on Christmas lights, I’m inside, hanging out with Laela, and Rowan and Solly are sleeping. Its nice and quiet, minus the clomping on the roof, I suppose. But thats going to bring some beauty, thats for sure!

Yes, yes, I know, Christmas lights before Remembrance Day. Its warm out. Now is the time. I can still remember with Christmas lights up. No judging.

Now for some online Christmas shopping. Or just online shopping shopping…..

Vehicle Shopping

Like I mentioned, Brady is home today and tomorrow, which is awesome. We have a big long list of things to do over these two days, but we decided to be adults and choose our priorities. Today, our main priority was test driving a vehicle we have our eyes on.

We dropped Dekker and Laela off at my moms after breakfast, and headed into the city with Rowan and Solly. We drove through the dealership parking lot, found the vehicle, and then went to park. We brought the boys along, and were directed to the right office. After a short visit and a photocopy of both of our licenses, Brady and I, Rowan and Solly, and Mike all loaded up and took off!

We got out on the highway, and drove home, where Brady and I switched spots, and I drove back to the dealership. Our salesman kept chatting with Rowan, who chatted back. It was cute. When Brady and Mike ducked out to go look in the hood, Rowan and I took selfies.


We’re grownups.

After a few minutes, Mike left and said we could take all the time we need, so we all climbed back in and visited for a while. When we knew we were on the same page, we picked up the boys and headed in to talk numbers.

And it was such an interesting meeting!! We sat across from our salesman and waited for him to start his sales pitch. We waited for some pressure. We waited, and waited. And he looked back at us, very comfortably, and broke out the very basic numbers that we already knew, giving us a price that was far better than we expected, all things included.

“Thats it!” he said. “I’ll speak to my manager and see what the rest looks like.” And that was IT! No pushing us to buy anything extra, nothing deceptive or evasive. Nothing. We told him that we had a pretty crappy time of it with our last vehicle purchase and he was very reassuring in saying that he would not pull the wool over our eyes. “No smoke or mirrors here,” he kept saying. And we believe him.

We walked out happy, and drove home in our old van, with lots to think about. It was SO interesting not having a ticking clock put on our hypothetical deal. Whether we end up going back and making an exciting purchase in the next little while, or we don’t, or we go somewhere else for something else, this was SUCH a positive experience, and I want to keep it on record. Not all salespeople are deceitful. Some are really down to earth.

Halloween 2016

We had a lot of fun trick or treating around town yesterday! The weather was incredibly agreeable, the sugar was flowing, and best of all, the kids were on point!!! Dekker is SO much more confident this year, which made for less tears and more anticipation. Rowan was the tough one, as he was pretty unsteady and wildly unaware of what was going on, but he was still terribly cute. We went to pretty much every house together, since Rowan needed backup, and Solly was eye candy that couldn’t be missed, but at one point, Brady and I loaded the little boys into the van and I offered to Dekker and Laela to go to the house that was right next to us. And they did, without hesitation. I watched, of course, and overheard Dekker knock on the door and mutter “uuuhhh…trick or treating…” It was pretty much hysterical! They really all did great.

Roll call!


Dekker was the least interested in Halloween than any other kid his age that I’ve met. He requested that I choose for him. So I borrowed a costume for his school dress up day, but for Halloween evening, we decided to just cover him in glow sticks. And he LOVED it. Pretty sure he’ll want to “be” this again next year!


Laela rocked a concept costume as well. She asked to be purple this year. And purple she is!!! This isn’t the clearest picture, but she has purple lips, eyeshadow, and blush on too. And purple glow sticks, of course.


Rowan was our football player. I think his costume looked the most legit, personally. His football pants were teeny tiny girls fleece pants, hahaha! Didn’t matter, he was warm!


Solly was a lion, and a FUN one! While some parents actually plan ahead and have face paints, I created his look with a couple of shades of liquid lipstick, and he rocked it.


We went out and hit up a good handful of houses, but it didn’t take long for at least one of the group to bow out.


We didn’t stay out too long, since the kids don’t need THAT much candy, haha! But we had a really really nice time. Everyone went to bed happy.

Even Brady and I. Its possible we played with the glow sticks for juuust a little while before bed.


No. We’re not weirdos at all. Ok, its possible that we are actually really really strange, but at least we haven’t lost or sense of fun!