What better way to celebrate getting home safe than getting up to date on vaccines??
Solomon had his four month shots this morning, and then a regular check up to follow. I was anticipating the appointments for a few reasons. I love knowing his stats. I love not being super far behind on vaccinations. (We are still catching Rowan up) And I love the reassurance that he’s doing great. I also wanted to talk to Dr. Guselle about the appointment I had a couple months back, where I came in for reflux medication and came out feeling foolish and minimized. I obviously was not looking forward to the pain that comes from needles, but the rest, I was chomping at the bit for.
Solly is still a big little boy! He weighs 18 lbs 2 oz, in the 85%. He is 2′ 2.5″ tall, right on the 97%, and I didn’t catch his actual head circumference, but it was off the charts. I’m not surprised by any of that, honestly. He is doing all of the things he’s supposed to be doing – smiling, babbling, reaching and batting, grabbing, etc. He doesn’t roll yet but he sure tries! Plus, I haven’t really been thinking about it, and he lays on the floor and plays with hanging toys a lot, so he has no need to roll! Now that I’ve figured that out, he’ll be rolling in no time, I’m sure. He took his shots well. Cried, and was comforted nice and quickly. Laela and Rowan were very well behaved the whole time, and each got to pick a new toothbrush.
There was a longer time between shots and his appointment with his doctor than we expected, so Brady took Laela and Rowan out to the van, and I waited with Solly. He was getting a bit loud, so I walked him around a bit and he cashed out. I lay him down in his seat and we waited quietly together.

We got called in eventually, and they opted to weigh and measure him again. Cue my eye roll. I had all of the numbers in my head, but she didn’t want to convert pounds to kilos, so I had to undress Solly, wake him up, and lay him on a hard scale, which he did NOT appreciate. It was too bad. But the nurse was quite smitten with him, and he was nice and smiley back to her, so he perked up. Once everything had been done, he just lay out on the bed in the exam room and kicked and played while we waited for Dr. Guselle.
It was refreshing to see her on her own today. Solly stood on my lap and flapped and drooled while we visited. She commented on how much he looks like Dekker, which I LOVED. I know she sees a lot of people, but when it already would have been nice to hear that he looks like the crew, she knows that he looks MUCH more like Dekker did at this age! Really, really nice.
She asked lots of questions, and checked him all out. He didn’t fuss or fight with any of it. He even smiled when she had to check his throat, which almost never ever happens, but is so much better than using a tongue depressor and having him end up gagging.
When his reflux came up in conversation, she seemed really disappointed to hear that the appointment had gone so badly. She looked up who I had spoken to and was really surprised. But when I told her all that had been said, she said “You must have felt belittled, and discounted,” which are both words I used to describe it all when it had happened! She clearly understood how I felt, and said she would speak to the resident about it, and just remind her that the way she speaks can really send the wrong message. All is smoothed over, and I’m glad I got to speak to her about it. No weird feelings. After all, Solly is on the medication I knew he needed, and he is more than thriving.
Now, we’re all home. Well, except Brady at work and Dekker at school. Solly and Rowan are napping, and Laela is taking some downtime watching tv. And I’m doing this. I ordered my first four blog books a really long time ago and they are still not here 🙁 So I’m doing some research and trying to figure out some tracking info that is eluding me. Wish me luck!