We had breakfast, and then went on a Costco run with my mom. The kids each got their cookies, and they were SO fresh today that everyone left the store with a drooly chocolate beard. It was pretty adorable. After a totally successful outing, we drove back home and grabbed lunch. I gave the kids a smaller, snacky lunch, and my mom and I had egg rolls. I’ve never thought to have such a thing, but my mom occasionally cooks up an egg roll for lunch, so I tried it out, and it was a FABULOUS lunch option! I highly recommend them, with plum sauce. I decided not to nap the kids, and instead, we all watched Paw Patrol for a while. We all zoned out pretty nicely, and rested, and enjoyed.
When Brady was done his work day, the kids and I headed back into the city to meet him for an early supper. We met at a KFC where we all ate in the van and talked about our days. One day, Brady will be home again with us. I know this has been one week of the kids not seeing their dad too much, and I know people have work and harder circumstances, but I do NOT care for this setup whatsoever. I don’t know how people do it 🙁 Not our cup of tea. I’m anticipating next week!
The kids and I got home just as my parents were leaving for the evening, so we said “hi” and “bye” and went our separate ways. We watched a bit more Paw Patrol before it was time to tidy up and head to bed. I’m very very thankful that the kids didn’t nap because, by some miracle, they also didn’t sleep in the van! They ALWAYS sleep in the van if they haven’t napped. But they didn’t, so they went down for bed very easily. It was such a treat for me.
Now that they’re all tucked away, and I have the house to myself for a little bit longer anyway (not sure when everyone is heading back here) I’m going to watch a bit of YouTube. But first, a house picture, because I live too close not to check it all the time now.
I won’t go into big details, as todays post isn’t about the house (for the first time ever) but its looking SO good! I cried yesterday when Brady showed me pictures of how much of the roof was done. I still can’t believe this house is ours. It just hasn’t sunk in yet. We will actually be living here in the next few months!!! Exciting times!!!!!