First of all, my blog is down! I’m sure you’ve noticed, as I’ve had basically no hits today. We’ve been fussing with it for a very literal ten hours today and I think we finally have been tipped off about how to fix it. Unfortunately, you guys are the problem! Lol! I’m totally kidding. For the most part. We spoke to Bluehost IT and they said people’s browser caches aren’t caught up yet. The dude had the nerve to tell me to just ask all of my readers to clear their caches. I feel like I can’t really expect everyone to try to figure this out, and he said people’s browsers would eventually figure it out. I asked for a ballpark on what “eventually” looked like, but he wouldn’t tell me anything. Apparently “annoyed Hailey” isn’t the most likeable person He didn’t seem to like talking to me. I can’t blame him. I wasn’t his biggest fan either. But all of this considered, none of you can even read this! So why am I telling you how to fix the problem on here??? Le sigh.
That aside, today is Halloween! Our first trip out with three, and it was a lot of fun! It is hilarious to see the kids change so much from year to year. Last year, Dekker blew us out of the water by being surprisingly brave and upbeat, and this year he just took to it immediately!! Laela, on the other hand, was nervous and wanted to be carried almost the entire time. Dekker would call to her “I’ll knock, Laela, I’m not scared!” Rowan was hilarious and adorable and was basically just along to be stared at and ooed and awed over. Success all around.
We hit maybe 10-15 houses before Laela was toast, and it was time to head home. On the drive home, we changed into the fast lane to pass some vehicles on the shoulder and successfully drove over an already-dead deer. That was special fun, but thankfully, there was not a scratch or dent left behind!
The kids struggled pretty hard when it was all over, as they tend to do with most fun outings. So bedtime routine was quashed and they went to be pretty much right away. But it was necessary. They need sleep. Bad.
Rowan drank a full 8 oz bottle (yay!) and is now cooing in his playpen beside our bed while a bath runs and we continue to fight with ridiculous WordPress and bluehost and whatever else is going on.
Be patient with us, please! And clear your caches, if you feel so inclined!!