He’s still pretty cute, though, so we let it slide. With a lot of milk, sleep, and very involved siblings, he cheered up and was good for the rest of the day.
Everyone slept the afternoon away. That was pretty awesome.
When Brady was on his way home from work, I asked him to stop at a grocery store and grab a bunch of fresh veggies. I recently chopped up a ton of veggies when I knew family was coming through, and it was SO convenient to be able to make a loaded salad anytime of the day! We went through it quickly, and I’ve been missing it. I figured, a person shouldn’t ever miss salad, so Brady brought home a bunch of yummy things.
Which I very quickly turned into this…

SALAD FOR DAYS! I know, really, its just bags of chopped veggies, but this just means I won’t get too lazy to chop stuff up at mealtime. No excuses. I would show you what the pretty salads looked like at supper, but we ate them too fast.
Before bed, we got some good pictures of the kids being all cute.

And tucked everyone away for night. They’re quiet, but still awake. I don’t think any of them are feeling 100%, so hopefully they sleep well tonight. We want everyone to be rested and friendly in the morning, when they’ll meet some new friends!! Can’t wait!!!