We haven’t been too private about the fact that we’re hoping to move this year. We were in the process of trying to get things started and arranged when we were blessed with Rowan. I love the little stinker but the fact is, all things listing/moving have been pretty much put on hold since then. Recently, we finally started putting our living room back together and it felt sooo good to see some progress being made. We’ve done a few other tiny little fixes around the house, but we’ve sort of hit a stand still. I spoke to my mom about it the other day, and I told her about my inner battles about where in the world I’m going to put everything. We have two bookshelves in our living room right now, and I’d like to knock it down to one for while we sell. So we need to pack up some of the books. OR… we could put them in the hutch in the dining room. But the hutch holds the nice glass dishes and some bigger, pretty casserole dishes. So do we pack up the books or the dishes? And WHAT in the world do we do with our storage room full of all of that storage?? We’ve done a ton of house purging in the recent past, and I think a lot of our mess is just disorganization. But I know that trying to reorganize our entire home is going to take forever. So after actually a pretty short chunk of our conversation, I discovered our obvious next move in the process.
Storage. We were expecting to rent a sea container/storage unit of some kind once our house sold anyway, since we plan to build a home and will need to lurk somewhere for those months without all of our stuff. Why not get it now?! Our house could be so much cleaner and simpler while its listed, and then there would be even less to move when we relocated to wherever while our house is being built. I spoke to Brady about the idea of jumping on the storage bandwagon a little bit early, and my mom spoke to my dad about it, and we hatched a plan. Today, that plan was put into action!!
We have a trailer in our driveway, just itching to be filled with the belongings that we don’t require on a daily basis. We have been approved by my dads work to house a sea container for us on their property until further notice. AND we have a container being dropped off there on Friday 😀 I know this might not sound like a milestone for many of you, but we’re very excited at the idea of preparing our house for sale. All of sudden, my HUGE list of things to still complete before we sell has shrunk down to paint touch ups, a couple small handyman fixes, tidying and arranging rooms, and a big clean. Boom.
With all of these new, fast acting plans, we have to get on things!! Tomorrow we’ll go to the city to pick up tubs, a few more items for the little fixes, a really really beefy padlock, and probably treats to celebrate. Then, we can really start hauling stuff around and getting organized and loading up the trailer!! Hopefully soon after this, we can start getting papers drawn up and get our house on the market. If anyone feel so led to pray for us, and this early in the game, please pray that we can sell privately!! I want to be able to use all of our equity without having to pay a realtor, but I also don’t want my house to be on the market forever and ever. Houses out here stay for sale for a long time. I really want us to the anomaly and sell right away.
Anyone want to live here? Anyone? Because its for sale!
Dekkers glasses broke yesterday. Its not the best thing in the world, nor the worst. Broken glasses + no insurance = new glasses + lots of money spent out of pocket. There sure aren’t a lot of options for buying off the rack for kids, if any, and his glasses broke right before every optical shop in the city was closed for the day. So I gave up for the night and I planned to bring the kids to the city at the end of Brady’s work day and we could go figure everything out together.
This morning, a few things changed. Firstly, the house that Brady is working on is a house that he’s more so repairing after someone couldn’t complete it to the home builders standards, and as it tends to happen, Brady found additional work there that we hadn’t bargained for. Knowing he’d have to work later than expected, we decided I would come in with the kids sooner rather than later, we would get lunch and break up his day with the glasses fiasco, and then he could go back to work for a few hours. So our timeline changed. The other change was in the ease of the day. Last night, when the glasses broke, we realized we had no copy of Dekker’s prescription, and Brady had called his optometrists office to ask for a copy. They had emailed him one and we figured we were clear. However, upon closer inspection, we saw we had a problem. We had originally takes Dekker to see this optometrist, and she had prescribed him a fairly high strength lens. We were referred to his paediatric ophthalmologist soon after, Dr. Rubab, and she prescribed something we were much happier with. When we went back to the optometrists office to purchase glasses, we gave them the new prescription and asked to use that one. They agreed and updated it in their computer, but what actually happened was they made a tiny little fine printed note at the bottom of their prescription for him. I didn’t ask to keep the hard copy, as I figured it had all happened pretty thoroughly, but what we were given when we asked for our prescription was not a valid prescription at all. Sorry if none of that made sense! Lots of info to work with here. So after that was kind of a bust, I figured I’d call Dr. Rubabs office and ask them to email me Dekker’s prescription. I spoke to Dr. Rubabs personal secretary, and she told me that every other clerical staff member had called in sick and she was manning the desk on her own, and I know how crazy that line up can get! Poor her 🙁 She still went into his file for me, though, and told me his most recent prescription was dated in 2013. I told her that we were just in the office not two weeks ago, and that Dr. Rubab had checked for a prescription change, but there hadn’t been one really at all. She said that was not uncommon for it to not be updated until numbers actually changed. However, I know lots of optical shops won’t deal with a prescription that is over a year old. However, the woman on the phone could only help so much, so I offered to come pick up the prescription in person and she jumped at that. Even though it was an old script, I hoped someone would understand my tale of woes and help me out. The last place I called was one optical shop, right downtown, that I know is usually pretty quiet and had wide open spaces. Sounds silly, but that counts for something when you’re bringing three kids somewhere! The woman I spoke to listened to my story and said that she totally understood and that lots of ophthalmologists did things that way, and she would have no problem filling a bit of an older prescription. Yay! I told her I’d see her in a few hours. Thrilled!!
Just getting the kids out to the van was a bit of a challenge. With the beautiful weather, we get this glassy icy patch from our sidewalk out into our driveway, and it is way to big to be salted away. I can barely make it to the van, much less help the kids. So four trips to and from the house got all three kids and the diaper bag into the van. Once that was all done, the drive was completely clear, and we picked Brady up from work so we could all go together. And I am pleased to report that our day ran so nice and smooth and in order! We grabbed some drive thru lunch and the kids ate while we drove to our stops. First, the hospital. I ran in and grabbed the prescription from Dr. Rubabs office. Completely seamless, except that woman in the elevator. You know those people who just outright stare at you, shamelessly and unceasingly? Who does that?! I had to laugh a little bit, because I would make eye contact with her and try to smile and be friendly, but she would just keep staring. Weird. But I got the script, so onto the next place, which was the optometrists office. I went in to get Dekker’s glasses tack welded back together so he has something while we wait to find new ones, or while they’re on order. There was no line, so I could go right back. They hemmed and hawed a little bit, since they were past their warranty, and agreed to tack them together, with no guarantee, while melting the front of the frames quite a bit, and still charged me $40 for it. Kind of a merp moment, but it needed to be done. The kid needs glasses. It was done in less than five minutes and I was back out in the van.
Our next stop was the optical shop that agreed to take our prescription. We figured we may end up at other shops, but this was a safe place to start. Before we went in, I gave Dekker the toy from his happy meal, which luckily was a Hot Wheels car. I told him he could play with it in the store if he was quiet and cooperative, and he agreed. It was nice and quiet inside, and he was completely distracted with the car, so we had no trouble getting him in and over to the kids glasses. He wasn’t particularly fond of us trying multiple frames on him over and over, but he held it together pretty well. He even let a salesperson take frames off of his face, or adjust them while they were on him. He doesn’t usually like new people so close in his space, but he was incredibly calm and cooperative! However, we learned very quickly that plastic frames don’t fit his face yet 🙁 He has no nose bridge whatsoever, and it shows. None of the frames would stay up on his face. Every time I would slide a pair onto his face, he would tip his head down, look at me overtop of them, and make a funny face. Cute, but not what we were hoping for. None of the wire frames were especially fun, or different than what he wears now. Not that I don’t like his current glasses, but we’re buying him new ones and were hoping for a new, trendier look. I was pretty disappointed that nothing we liked would fit. We finally settled on a cool frame that was similar to the ones he has now, but slightly larger lenses. They were a good price, and if we had to go with wire, these were the ones. On a whim, I tried on one more pair of plastic frames. They didn’t jump out at me at all, being that they were a weird light color, with light arms. I was definitely leaning towards the darker frames. But I slid these plastic frames on him, and they fit flawlessly. Dekker checked himself out in the mirror and seemed really happy with them too. I took them off of his face to read the specs on the side (width of lenses, distance between lenses, and arm length) and while I was looking at the numbers, Dekker slowly reached up, took them gently from my hands, and slipped them back on. Decision made. No hesitation. We headed over to the desk to order them.
The sales lady started taking down our information, and asked for the prescription. I gave it to her, and her first reaction was “Ooooh, this is an old one. We can’t use this.” I went back over my day with her, and explained that we had recently had an eye exam and that the numbers had stayed the same. Also, I told her I had called earlier and was told it would be no problem at all. She gave me a few little snarky comments, like “Well, I know the law, sooo…” and told me her manager would be so angry at her for putting the order through. She tried to call Dr. Rubabs office, but being that they’re super understaffed today, no one answered. That seemed to set her off a bit extra. Finally, she asked her manager to come talk to us and see if there was anything that count be done. I was so pleased when her response was “Oh! We talked earlier on the phone, didn’t we? Yes, thats no problem at all.” Yay! So we proceeded with the order. Dekker cooperated beautifully while the manager made him look through an instrument that measures the distance between his pupils, and even helped hold the device still. Before we had talked any specifics, we were told our price, and while it was a great price, it was only the price of the frames. All of these prescription issues, I was going to get the lenses come hell or high water! I was then informed that we would be getting the kids discount, where we somehow qualified for free lenses!! Granted, they don’t have all the coatings or thinning treatments on them, but they’re free!!I was completely thrilled, and we happily paid what then felt like a measly $139.95 for Dekker’s new glasses. Hopefully they’ll come in over the next week or so, but just knowing they’re on their way helps a lot.
When we left the store, Dekker politely asked me for his new glasses. I explained to him that we had to wait to get them in the mail. He didn’t throw a fit or scream or anything, but he was not happy. As soon as we set foot outside the shop, he raised his voice a little bit and said “I still feel mad!” Call me crazy, but I was incredibly proud of him in that moment! How we work and work for him to learn to use his words instead of just pitching a fit, and this was the first time that he opted for words first. I immediately got down to his eye level and hugged him and told him how proud of him I was, and that I was sad to leave the glasses behind too. We had a good moment of being sad together, and then the day continued. I really couldn’t have been happier with how it all turned out.
So I WISH I could tell you all about the glasses but I kind of want them to be a surprise when they come. I know if Dekker understood, he would be excited to show them off as a surprise, too 🙂 But they are PERFECT for him, and he loves them enough to be sad to leave them behind. That order cannot go through fast enough!!!
Funny how something that seems like its going to be so bad can make for a pretty smooth and exciting day.
Can’t resist adding a couple Roro pictures at the end, from when we got home and he was all dozey.
Rowan is changing so fast on me! A few days ago, he woke up looking completely different. I think I figured that one out. Straight after he was born, he had that crazy ridge on his head that shows how babys skulls move so much in order to be born. Its a lot less noticeable now, and I think it likely hid itself during that night, making him look worlds apart different in the morning.
Besides his look, my baby boy is considerably less lump-like and much more like a baby person. He has much more wakeful time in the day than he used to. For instance, Dekker and Laela are in their room for a rest, and Rowan is laying here beside me in bed. I’m blogging and he’s watching, occasionally closing his eyes, putting on a big cheesy smile, and chuckling. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be hilarious. I love seeing him with his eyes wide open. He’s not quite responding to us too much, but when I talk to him right to his face without other distraction, he really locks onto my eyes, and I can tell he’s close.
While I definitely don’t want to wish away his babyhood, I am looking forward to him being able to fend for himself someday! His poor siblings. They are itching to play with him, and he’s still just a bit too floppy for that. I mean, not completely. Dekker plays with him so carefully, and wants to help with his care. Laela, on the other hand, wants to get up in his space and lay on top of him, and while she’s very petite in my eyes, she is at least 2.5 times Rowans size, and might just be too big to wrestle with him.
Wrestling!!! Quick story and then I’ll be done! Dekker and Laela are in a special stage of wanting to play with each other, but they seem to disagree on times. If she wants to play with him, he gets upset. But if he goes at her for games, she screams. Its pretty great. But this morning, they actually wanted to play together at the same time!!! Laela wanted to play toys and Dekker wanted to wrestle. Turns out those are different things. I walked in on this scene:
Both kids on the floor next to Rowans bouncy chair, containing Rowan. Dekker laying across Laela’s lap, begging her to tickle his toes. Laela consistently beating Dekker in the head with a flute. Dekker laughing uncontrollably. Laela wailing miserably.
It was pretty awesome. I didn’t interfere. I don’t want my kids to hit other kids, and I step in nine out of ten times that they scrap, in an effort to keep peace in our home, and also to encourage peaceful kids! But this one, I opted to let them play it out. They both survived and still like each other, so I think it was a good choice. But watching them play/fight, and slowly get closer and closer to their sleeping brother made me excited to see what it’ll all look like when he’s just that much bigger and they can roll him around or he can crawl after them.
While being pregnant with our third child, I heard a lot about how hard it was going to be. Apparently, the stereotype is that three is the hardest number of kids to have, because you’re officially outnumbered. My response to this was that, being a stay at home mom, I was already outnumbered with two, so I didn’t think three would be much different in that way. And honestly, so far, I’m right about that. It does get a bit different trying to take three out somewhere, though. Its definitely more of a juggling act, but its really more entertaining than it is difficult. So far, anyway. The fact that at least one stays wherever I set him down sure helps!
This morning, we skipped church, because Rowan let us sleep until 10:00!! However, upon waking up, it was evident that Dekker and Laela had already been up for quite some time. We fed Rowan and went to get the others. The kids ate breakfast. Dekker, sensing we were going somewhere, wanted to be done way too early. We made him eat more. He whined. Laela, on the other hand, wouldn’t stop eating. Honeycomb after honeycomb after honeycomb. And lots of sharing of wet, soggy honeycombs. Can’t say no to my little girl calling “Mamamama!”while holding out a piece of cereal. Dekker finishes his food, takes his dishes to the sink, and brings Laela’s toy laptop to the table to play with. Laela breaks down. Breakfast is effectively over. Brady starts to get ready, and I put breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. The kids congregate in the bathroom while Brady shaves. Laela starts unpacking her bath toys suspiciously close to the toilet. I invite the kids to come hang out with me while I get ready. Rowan sleeps in his car seat. Dekker and Laela come to my room while I put makeup on. Dekker asks what each product is called and what its for. He is annoying but complimentary. Laela starts jumping on the bed. I kick her off, remembering her several spills off in the recent past. She bawls on the floor. I finish with my makeup. Brady packs the diaper bag. I go to the kids room and throw three outfits on the floor. Tiny stretchy clothes everywhere. Dekker starts to undress. Rowan cries. Laela begins dispersing pieces of the outfits throughout the house. Brady changes Rowans diaper while the kids terrorize him and make it worse. I invite the kids to the bathroom with me. Dekker is pretty much stuck in his shirt, with the sleeves on and the rest behind him. I pee in front of an audience. Dekker brings in a puzzle. I come to terms with the fact that its pretty soon time for Dekker not to pee with me anymore. Brady dresses the kids. I dress myself. I put on lipstick. Brady frees the rugrats from their room and they linger in the kitchen. Rowan sleeps in his car seat. We let the kids into the tiny entrance to get their coats and shoes on. Dekker requests his skaters rather than his boots. Spring jackets come out. Laela finally gets to wear her sparkly shoes, but Brady puts them on with her socks. Daddy is a redneck. Laela is not. She cries. Will not walk in sparkly shoes. Dekker cries about having to walk on snow. We finally get out the door. Brady carries Laela and the diaper bag. I carry the car seat and hold hands with Dekker. It takes a thousand hours to walk to the van. It takes a thousand hours to buckle everyone into their seats. We finally get in our seats in the van.
And then we’re supposed to leave?!?!?!
Luckily, the rest of our day looked like this…
TOTALLY worth the effort to get them out the door this morning!! It takes a little longer, there are more antics involved and a bit more chaos, perhaps. But my goodness, I adore these tiny humans.
Brady and I were determined to get a few things done around the house today. While we’ve had to give up any real dream of having a timeline for listing our home, its sat now for quite some time, and we’ve got to get back at it. We purchased a bunch of little things to help with small fixes all over our house, and I know Brady is kind of excited to get on that part of the job, but he made the mistake of asking where I would like him to start. And I picked the living room. In order to paint it, all of the furniture was pushed into the middle of the room. The two couches say facing each other and creating the perfect storage solution for every single mess that lingered through our house. Therefore, it wasn’t as easy a fix as simple pulling the couches apart again. We had to deal with everything that those two couches were housing. The whole room was a pretty daunting task, to be completely honest. But we just started in one corner and made our way around until the centre of the couches were emptied out! Yay for finally having a place to sit upstairs that isn’t the floor or at the table!!! I have SO missed having a soft place to sit upstairs when people come over. Its been over a month.
Its not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. However, we’ve come to the conclusion that we’ll need to store quite a few things before we try to sell this place. We were hoping to just wait until it was time to move, but it needs to be done. With that in mind, we are finding it easier to “tidy” as a bunch of our furniture will be going into storage, so we’re not having to waste too much time figuring out what fits where. Does that make any sense? Whether it does or not, we at least have a plan for our main upstairs area, how we want it to look, what stays, and what goes. We have to do a bunch more organizing before it will be possible, but we got a great chunk of that taken care of today. Our desk area has been a disaster pretty much since we moved in, so getting that cleaned off and organized was a HUGE accomplishment! Go us!
In the afternoon, a couple of our friends from church drove out with a few meals for us. It was nice to have them in for a little bit, to visit an indulge in baby cuddles. Dekker poked his face upstairs once, surveyed our guests, and promptly went back downstairs, but Laela came for a visit and to terrorize a little bit. Its good that she’s so cute.
We demolished a lasagna that was brought over this evening, and then played downstairs with the kids. Brady and I were hoping to get more done this evening but for some reason, as soon as the kids were up from their naps, he and I both felt dead to the world. So we’re done for the night, save for a bath and maybe a little snack. I’ve pretty much cut late night snacking out of my routine since Rowan was born, and I think its a really good decision, but the very real truth is that I miss it a lot. Anyone have super yummy and not-too-bad-for-you snack ideas for later in the evening???
Today was my first day on my own with all three kids. The Readers Digest version of the story is that the day was incredibly smooth. We just had a lazy downstairs kind of day, and Rowan had lots of wakeful time. The kids did great though, and I even got a few chores started. It felt like a very normal day. When Dekker and Laela went down for their nap, Rowan continued to be awake. It took quite a while before he fell asleep, but he does so very easily and on his own, which is pretty much a godsend. It was once all three were asleep that I realized how exhausted I was, and I made use of my time in the way of a catnap. I never nap in the day, but I definitely needed one today. Brady came home at a good time to find everyone still tucked away, and helped me out for the rest of the evening by being present, and also bringing supper home. Dekker was incredibly helpful and fed Rowan a bottle. No stretch there. He successfully sat beside Rowan in his bouncy chair and fed him all he would drink from it, asking for a burp cloth when “Oops! Wowan spilled a little.” It was an incredibly lovely day, and I’m happy to have had my first day home alone with the kids be a Friday. Broke me in slowly 🙂
Its been a very eye opening week and a half with Rowan. I’ve touched on it before, and I want to say it again. I feel healthy, and like I’m at a very reasonable place in my recovery after giving birth. I know my limits, I promise. I’m not just pushing myself constantly on adrenaline. I’m not on the road to burning out. I genuinely feel good. Because of how great I feel, I now realize how sick I was after having Laela. (Don’t get me wrong, my sweet girl. If you ever read this down the line, I love you to pieces, and what I’m talking about has nothing to do with how I feel about YOU. I LOVE YOU. Your birth was just scary for me. I learned a lot.) In the weeks and months that followed Laela’s delivery, i struggled pretty hard. I wasn’t especially private about it, but I mostly just talked about how I constantly replayed her birth over and over in my head. It was true, that was exactly what I did, but I didn’t see what else was happening to me. I stopped being able to cry. Instead, I would get really angry. And you can ask Brady, we fought a ton, and I’m confident that most of it was me picking the fights. I wouldn’t do much on my own unless I absolutely had to. Granted, I had other things on my plate. Dekker had his surgery and became incredibly afraid of people and public places. Work was slow and money was tight. The list goes on. But I was at my absolute worst to be able to handle it. I did seek help and started seeing a counsellor, who was great, and I was able to feel considerably better about Laela’s birth in good time, but I didn’t realize there was more damage that had been done that needed repair.
God knew, because He allowed Brady and I to get pregnant with our third baby!! And my goodness, what healing my beautiful Rowan Toby has brought our family already! One obvious aspect of healing is in the actual act of labor and delivery. I had no idea what to expect this time around, and while I know it will be different every time, I have seen how incredible and dare I say even EASY that it can be! I don’t expect to have such an easy go round every time from now on, but I know that they don’t all have to be scary and out of control. But in a much bigger way, I can just tell in all of our demeanours that we are in way better shape this time around. Even our rough nights are ok, and Brady and I are more than happy to tag team, rather than one or both of us getting snippy with the other. I feel more rested overall, frankly. While our house is in paint/reno mode, we’ve managed to keep it relatively organized, and haven’t fallen behind on our regular chores. I think last time around, my mom was coming out to do laundry. I did laundry today! And lived to tell about it! I’m sure not judging anyone who has outside help, because I have a TON! But last time, I think someone was in my house helping me with my kids every day for over a month before I had to be a grown up and learn how. This was eleven days, and I felt more than comfortable.
I’m sure some of you are reading this thinking “Ya, of course you’re more comfortable, he’s your third.” And I’m sure some of this is that! But I’m choosing to praise God through everything, because I feel healed. Or at least healing. Both are wonderful things. All in all, I know there will be days that I’ll tear out my hair, but I think everyone has those! Even people who don’t have kids. So I will thank God for mine, and tear out a bit less hair than I did before, when I was such a mess.
Since I’ve started watching a few families on YouTube, I’ve heard them talk about taking their babies to “well baby checks.” Makes sense to me, but I’ve never heard them called that. Most of the people I watch are from the states, so I figured maybe that was it. However, today Rowan has his first ever well baby check! Pretty thrilled to be included with the Americans 😉 Just jokes. I may have just missed the boat in the past. Anyhoo, I checked myself in for my appointment (10 days postpartum) this afternoon, and I also checked Rowan in for his well baby check. Our clinic has a little computer where we can go check ourselves in, and I got a real kick out of putting in his birthday and having his initials, RB, pop up on the screen. He’s real!! I love that he’s real.
Brady came with us, and my mom actually met us in the city and hung out with the kids in the van. It sounds awful, I know, but she was more than willing, and came with snacks and some toys, and they didn’t miss us for a second. Brady and I were really happy to be able to go in for Rowans first appointment, just the three of us.
Dr. Guselle was running perfectly on time, and we were called back in great time. The tech who hangs out in the back was eager to get a peek at Rowan. He weighed in beautifully at 8 lbs 9 oz, which means he has surpassed his birth weight! A week ago, he had done the common newborn weight loss and was down to 7 lbs 13 oz. Thats a good amount of weight gain for one week!!! Also, maybe no one wants to hear about it, but just for curiosity’s sake, I asked if she would weigh me as well, and I’m incredibly pleased to say that I am only eight pounds away from my pre-pregnancy number!!! Granted, I kept ten pounds from Laela’s pregnancy, but I don’t have a desire to get all the way back down to that number. I’m not sure I was healthy then. Anyway, I feel really good knowing I’m losing some of my baby weight already, and I don’t feel like I’m making tons of big sacrifices or changes to get there. Sorry, enough about me, but I’m confident there are some of you who will be able to relate to me, and how good it feels to know what you’re doing is working.
Our appointment was smooth and comfortable. So far, Rowan is checking out perfectly. He had a cry about being undressed, but she checked his throat in those moments. Then, once most of his exam was over, he closed his crying mouth and just opened his big eyes and stared at Dr. Guselle. Always on the ball, she whipped her light up and checked his eyes in that moment, so he really didn’t have to be poked and prodded all that much. My one and only question about him was in regards to his belly button. His is SO different than our other kids, and I was concerned at first that he had an umbilical hernia. Dr. Guselle is confident that it isn’t, and that was good to hear! She said it looks perfectly normal, and that while some kids (like Dekker and Laela) have belly stumps that separate seemingly right on the surface of the tummy, others seem to fall off higher up, and can till shrink down to be innies. It can actually take up to a year before all the muscles make their decisions and decide where to be. Either way, I just want that yucky stump to fall off. I don’t care if there’s an innie or outie underneath it. I’m just happy he doesn’t have a hernia.
We booked our six week check and were out in good time. It seemed a shame to break up the fun in the van so fast, but my mom had other things on her list, and so did we. We did visit a little bit more though, and feed Rowan some milk, before parting ways. Mom, again, thank you for watching the kids! Those recorders were a hit for them. I repeat – for them 😉
A surprisingly fun trip to Home Depot was next, and the kids rocked it. Dekker didn’t get spooked when people talked to him, and Laela sat in the cart and danced up a storm all on her own. And Rowan slept, because he’s chill like that. We spent just less than $200 and came out with new entrance flooring, a few length of trim, a new tub faucet and drain stopper, sink stopper, some weird lightbulbs, plumbing shims, and a toilet flapper thing. I think I forgot to mention, our toilet broke in the middle of the night last night. Big win when you have to flush your toilet using salad tongs. Don’t be afraid to eat salad at our house. We will be throwing them out the second they are not needed as plumbing repair. So, all in all, Home Depot was a success.
I ducked into Target as our last stop, since once again, sales got better, and I really want these specific blankets. But bedding is still pretty high priced. I think I need it to be 40% off before I can justify it, and while its getting closer, its still a bit too much to buy those blankets just to have them. But I did buy a toy for Laela for a birthday or something down the road, as well as a really beautiful, beefy notebook that kind of matches my fancy pants day planner, a new pack of pretty pens, some graph paper, and a cute little newborn hoodie for Rowan. I know he’ll only be in newborn stuff for so long, but as such a low price, and having passed by it so many times, I just went for it. It was all cheap cheap cheap, which feels good.
A quick stop for coffee, and we left the city. We ducked into a friends place on the drive home, where she gave us a box of size 1 diapers that she is officially finished with. What a wonderful gift!! I don’t have to tell you guys how nice it is to receive the gift of diapers, especially when all three of your children wear them! Plus, we usually put our kids in Kirkland diapers, and their smallest size is size 1/2. With Rowan being so much littler than the other kids, I’m actually weirdly excited to have real size 1 diapers to put him in. His tiny little bum says thank you!!
I won’t lie. Upon arriving home, the you know what hit the fan and that hour or two was quite a stretch for everyone. Thankfully, Dekker and Laela are both in bed with their heads still attached to their bodies. Parenting win?? Hope so! Now, a tub is running, Rowan is starting to doze, and Brady is making he and I some supper so I can be in bed, blogging.
It was an incredibly successful day, and while there is still lots to do around our house, its nice to know that we have a lot of the stuff we need to get it all done, or at least get a healthy start on it all! But we won’t start just yet. Brady is back to work tomorrow, and I am about to learn how to be a mommy to three kids at once. All three, just for me 🙂 I’m curious how it’ll play out, maybe the teensiest bit nervous, maybe? But mostly anticipating a new kind of day, and just getting in all the cuddles I can.
A few things needed to be done in the city today, but not enough to bring in the whole fam. Also, it was really really cold. So as a very special treat, Rowan and I had a date, just the two of us.
We got some drive-thru lunch, and had a phone date with my mom while I ate. I like her a lot, and am looking forward to seeing her however briefly tomorrow.
After our lunch, we headed to Dr. Mike’s office for my appointment. I didn’t resurface there after Laela’s delivery until about six weeks had passed, and then it was just to make sure all was back where it should be. For some reason, this time around, my hips and lower back are still aching something fierce, and neither Tylenol or Advil can touch them. My right leg is still giving out on me once in a while, so obviously my pelvis is still out of place too. I was a bit apprehensive to already go in for a treatment, though. Without being too gross, for anyone who doesn’t want to go there, I’m only nine days postpartum and not looking to have my legs put in funny positions or my stitches to get yanked around. Its just nerve wracking. But I am certainly not the first freshly postpartum woman who has walked thru the doors of that clinic. Dr. Mike came in and met Rowan, and asked all the questions about him, before he had to ask about tearing and stitches. Not too much damage was done at all, so he just took special care that I breathed a certain way through my treatment. As in, when he would actually crack my back, I would physically be blowing air out of my mouth. I don’t ever feel like I’m holding my breath or clenching or anything like that through my treatments, but this way, we could both be sure and extra careful. It all worked well, I’m not sore from his treatment at all, and he said I’m actually recovering well from his side of things. Yay!
Rowan and I hit Walmart next, just for a few things. We needed a zipper folder to hold all of his paperwork (we have one for each kid), some toiletries and groceries, and Brady also told me to go buy some makeup if I wanted! Psh! On it! So I snagged a foundation I’ve had in my hand but put back at least twice before, a nude lip liner, and probably my new favorite drugstore lipstick to date. Huge wins all around. I was hoping to find a few other things at Walmart, and figured I’d just go hit another location, or maybe a Superstore to find them, but Roro was a bit less content than usual, so I decided to call it quits. No more shopping. Fine by me!
I filled the van up at Costco on our way home. We didn’t go in for anything since we got a HUGE haul just the other day. I went through the baby section and bought four boxes of diapers, a box of wipes, and four cans of formula for less than $200!! A HUGE win if you ask me. For anyone who missed it, its baby week! Pretty much all the Kirkland brand baby stuff is on uber sale. Don’t miss it!
One last quick drive through to buy Brady and I coffees for this evening, and we headed home. Rowan is the best passenger ever. He doesn’t mind his car seat, so he’s completely content driving places. Also, he doesn’t complain if he doesn’t like the music, so I rocked a new song that I really love on repeat, because I could. If you ask my siblings, I’ve always been bad for that. But I don’t get sick of it! I could watch a movie that I love every day for two weeks without missing a beat. I don’t put anyone through that with me (…anymore..) except today. Rowan didn’t mind. He told me, in his own way.
We got home while the bigger littles were still sleeping, fed Rowan, and watched some Greys. The evening played out really fun, with lots of Dekker and Laela terrorizing including Rowan in their fun.
“Wrapping” RowanPrincess on myyy head……and princess on your head!!
It was a pretty sweet evening, just the five of us. I quite love our kids, and I feel like we are just covered in miracles, one after the other. I feel joy, and contentment, and love abounding.
I was dreading today, if I’m being completely honest. Both Dekker and Laela had eye appointments that were a bit ominous to me. The kids appointment was originally booked for February 25th, but I had Rowan on the 23rd, was released from the hospital on the 24th, and the appointment was supposed to be at 9:00am the next day. So I called the office to see what they would say, and they made room for us this next week instead.
For todays appointments, both kids eyes were going to need to be dilated, meaning they would both have to have eye drops put in, then a 20-30 minute wait while the drops did their thing, and then more tests. I don’t really think anyone enjoys eye drops, but these sting a bit, and blur the kids vision, so its a very unpopular thing. Anyway, enough said on that. I was not looking forward to the appointment.
We dropped Rowan off to spend the afternoon with my mom, before heading into the city to the hospital. Lucky for us, Dekker LOVES Dr. Rubab, and was really excited to go in and play the matching game with her. The elevator ride is usually a big hit too. Dekker likes lots of things about eye appointments, actually. He does way better now than he did in the beginning, thats for sure. He’s finally getting used to it.
The ladies at the desk were really nice and polite to our kids, and sent us off to the same waiting room as always. It wasn’t long before we were called into orthoptics for the initial testing. Dekker was a bit put off in the beginning, as he often is, but the orthoptist played into his interests and got him on her side very quickly. He cooperated quite well, and was pretty intrigued when it was Laela’s turn next. She also did well, and cooperated nicely. She was pretty stoic the whole time, but rather serious and quiet than throwing a fit the entire time. I was so pleased to see her pass tests that I remember Dekker struggling with. I don’t mean that to sound mean at all! I’m sad that Dekker has had this burden on him, and I wish he didn’t struggle, but I was so happy to see with my mommy eyes that my daughters vision was really quite good!
When it came time for drops, the orthoptist asked what the plan was – whether we wanted to warn the kids or sneak attack the drops on them. We opted to catch them by surprise, since we know our kids, and either way would bring the same result with the same volume. So she just jumped in and told Dekker she was going to take off his glasses, did just that, and Brady leaned him back for the dirty work. It was loud and sad, but he recovered faster than we expected. I held Laela for hers, and she was also pretty unimpressed, to say the least, but she recovered within ten seconds. We brought both kids back out into the waiting area, red faced and teary eyed, but more than fine.
That wait in between appointments is always a bit of a challenge. Dekker can put his glasses on and his vision isn’t as blurry, but he’s usually still pretty put off by everything so he’s grumpy. The only time Laela has ever had drops was back in June, so she was only ten months at the time. This time, she wanted to run around, but was incredibly clumsy and took a couple spills. Nothing too big though. More close calls than anything. But they both made it, and were called into Dr. Rubab’s office in pretty decent time.
Dekker once again was a bit angsty in the beginning, and wouldn’t look at Dr. Rubab. She told him the first test was looking at a big truck, and she asked if he would prefer a green truck or a red truck. He ignored her at first, but she waited patiently and quietly, and eventually, Dekker said under his breath “Red.” In that moment, I knew she was in. He did great in the rest of his tests, and she seemed happy. Laela’s tests consisted of staring into a light through a few different lenses, which she did until she got bored of it and started to fight the power a bit. Sadly, this chunk of her day also ended with her being held down and her eyes being pried open in order to show the doctor what she needed to see. But in this case as well, Dr. Rubab seemed happy.
The results are in!! Dekker has no eye turn whatsoever! Not even a flicker, which is wonderful! February 11th was one year since his surgery, and there has been nothing but improvement. She said his prescription is slightly different, but she said its so slight that it could just be a difference in his cooperation or interest from one appointment to the next. Its slight enough that I didn’t even ask if it was a tad higher or lower. Beats me! She was very confident that his prescription can stay the same for now. No news is good news, right? As for Laela, Dr. Rubab says that her eyes are healthy and are developing just as they should be! At Laela’s previous appointment, her astigmatism was a bit higher than normal, and we were told that if it didn’t improve enough by her next appointment (today) that she would be given a prescription and would need glasses. In those months, her eyes changed exactly the amount they needed to! Thank you, Lord, for giving us this one!!! I couldn’t be more thrilled or relieved to know that, for the moment, we are all good here. Everyone is healthy and maintaining and obviously, super wonderful in every other way.
To celebrate Rowans one week birthday, I finally took some time this afternoon and typed out his birth story. Its long and jumbled, as these kinds of stories tend to be when I write them out. But they also tend to be full to bursting with emotions, so they won’t be all formal and orderly. At least you get a rough play by play anyway. So if you’re interested, read on, Macduff!
We had been on an induction list since Friday, February 20th. We expected our call in the morning right at 8:00am telling us whether or not we could come in that day or be bumped further. Jerilee effectively moved in, so that we could just pick up and leave when we finally got our call. It kept not coming, and it made perfect sense. I was not a medical risk of any kind, and I was pretty much at the end of the list. Finally, I came to the conclusion that I was putting too much on this one thing. Even though it was a big thing, waiting for my baby to come, and even though I was trying really hard to just keep moving and have a positive attitude, it was getting a bit too hard to be on pins and needles, waiting, day after day. If the magical call still didn’t come on Monday, the 23rd, I was going to call the clinic and cancel us off of their induction list for the week. Our original plan had been to be induced on my due date, which was March 2nd, and that was fine. At least we’d have a week of normalcy, Jerilee could take off the time she had originally planned to take off to help us instead of this random time now, and everything would be smoother.
As had become our usual, we all met upstairs way too early on Monday morning and waited for the call. It didn’t come. It was 9:00am when I finally told Brady to go about his day like normal and go into work. If they were going to call, they would have already. His guys at work knew he had ben on watch for the last few days, and he had tried to clean up everything before the baby did come, but there is always more to do if one can find the time, right? So he headed in pretty much right around then. As humor would have it, I received our call about a half hour later.
The person on the other end of the line said that Dr. Guselle was quite insistent that I get in that day if at all possible, as she was on call and really wanted everything to go as smoothly as possible. They said they could take me at 1:00pm, and I agreed on the spot. Jerilee celebrated with me and assured me the timing was great, so I called Brady. He was about five minutes from work, so he ducked into Tims to grab us all some breakfast, brought coffee to his site supervisor and filled him in, and came straight back home.
It was an exciting morning, getting everything repacked and getting ready for the day, knowing that today was finally the day that we could get things rolling and have our baby! I was very optimistic for the day. Nervous, because of last time, of course, but so ready to have the process become real.
We got to the hospital a few minutes early and went straight up to register. The little waiting area was FULL of registered patients who just hadn’t been put in rooms yet. I sat down at the desk to fill out all the forms, and heard a nurse from the other desk whisper something about “Oh, with this patient…” I immediately felt a bit awkward. I knew that Dr. Guselle had gone out of her way to accommodate us and my nerves. I felt even more awkward when someone immediately came to take us to a room, ahead of all of the other patients waiting there. It was awkward, but also really nice to be fast tracked. I decided to look past the discomfort and be thankful instead.
We were taken straight to a delivery room by our nurse, Shauna. She got us settled in and then wanted to discuss the induction method with us, as is the drill. This time, instead of using Cervidil like in the past, I had been put on the list for the oxytocin drip instead. I was a little bit nervous, hearing that was a much more aggressive form of induction, but after hearing about it and them actually calling my doctor to confirm it, agreed to go along with it. If it was incredibly aggressive and I got too scared or was in too much pain, or if something got scary with the baby, I was in the hospital, so we’d be ok. I was confident.
Before the induction actually began, though, the baby needed to be monitored for a little while, just to make sure all was well in there. Over that time, Brady and I just visited, and texted the few people who knew what we were up to that day. Shauna came in to look at the tape off the monitor and surprised me by asking if I was feeling contractions. Nope, sure wasn’t, but apparently I was having them regularly. I told her I was having some cramping, but confessed to drinking a big fat coffee that morning, and coffee always makes me cramp when I’m pregnant. She just smiled and said they weren’t looking like coffee cramps on the monitor. But I was fine, so we kept the ball rolling and the drip was plugged in around 1:30pm.
Shauna kept tabs on us every fifteen minutes. She very quickly became someone who I felt I had known for years. We talked about regular daily life type of things, and she never seemed rushed at all. She told us that over the last four days, 96 hours, they had delivered 88 babies!! No wonder I had been bumped so many days! I think I can safely say she liked us, and we really liked her. I knew from the beginning of the day that people around us knew our background story to a degree, and I knew that our nurse had special instructions to keep us (me) at ease. I apologized for that, saying I really don’t want to be that high maintenance patient, and she assured me that we weren’t high maintenance, but pleasant. Yes! It felt good, and I felt safe.
Around 3:00pm, Shauna checked my tape again and seemed really surprised that I wasn’t in any pain yet. I agreed to a cervical exam and she shocked Brady and I with a “Wow! I’d put you at 4-5cm dilated!!” It was around that time when we discussed epidurals. I really wanted one, more for a safety net than anything. Plus, to go from a 1.5 to a 4-5 in such a short period of time was kind of unheard of, and the next few hours were completely unpredictable. So yes, an epidural, please.
When Shauna returned shortly thereafter, she told me she had checked her measurement of my dilation against the chart they’re supposed to use, and concluded that I was actually dilated to 6cms! Crazy!!
The anesthetist was awesome. He worked quickly and the whole procedure was nice and painless. He even made a killer ebola joke. While I was leaned over on the rolling table, pushing my back out, Brady commended that my epidural with Dekker had been much more difficult, as I had to work to stay still through the contractions. I agreed, and commented that it was so much nicer without the contractions. Shauna came up behind me and felt my stomach before laughing out loud and saying how hard and severe of a contraction I was having that very second. Everything went in as it should have, and I lay back in my hospital bed and continued to wait. Brady and I watched some Greys Anatomy, and Shauna brought me a couple of popsicles. Peach. Yum. We made jokes about church Tang. I really loved her.
I sat at this point for quite a while actually. Six centimetres. The epidural was nice, and removed the bit of discomfort that I was having previously, and could easily hang out on a nice low dose. But I didn’t dilate further.
Dr. Guselle came in around 6:30pm after her day at the clinic. The hospital staff had told us that she was only on call until 5:00pm, but in the past, I was of the understanding that their group of doctors ran their shifts from 7:00am, so I’m not actually sure if she was technically on call at that moment or not. But regardless, she came, which was wonderful. We visited for a few minutes and got all caught up before she asked if she could check me and see if I had progressed any. I hadn’t, which wasn’t ideal, obviously. She asked me about breaking my water, and I was completely on board. More than ready! Well, my goodness, if I’ve ever heard the sound of a rushing river inside a building, that was it! We actually all had a good laugh over it, and Shauna seemed kind of lost afterward. “I don’t even know where to start with this!” she laughed, as she started trying to clean it up. Trust me, if I could control those kinds of fluids, I would have!!
It was pretty quick after breaking my water that my contractions started to feel a bit worse. I told Shauna and she pushed the little epidural button to top me up a bit. All seemed normal, and I just needed to let her know the second I felt any pressure. I didn’t, so we continued.
But things were all of a sudden super painful. Very, very quickly. Comparable to the pain of my last labor and delivery. I started to panic a bit. At least I felt panicked. Brady said it didn’t show too badly in the moment. We called Shauna and in a quick check, she told me we were going to have a baby. Then I really got scared. I hadn’t let myself get too scared yet, thinking about Laela’s birth as little as possible, but this sudden crazy pain brought me there really quickly. I told Brady very clearly that I did not want another birth like Laela’s, and he advocated for me, asking if there was anything I could have to help. Shauna told me the baby was incredibly low and there wasn’t time. Again, it sounded the same as last time. Too many familiar things. I was so scared.
I heard Shauna call to someone to get Dr. Guselle up as fast as she could, and that the baby was coming.
As labor and delivery tend to be, the next few moments are a bit blurry. Dr. Guselle was up in a flash, getting the full garb on. I don’t even think she checked my dilation. She just knew that I was ready. I didn’t, but she did. We asked her again for some help, as my contractions were incredibly strong and I was feeling scared. She confirmed my fears – that the only thing that was going to stop my pain was getting this baby out. I said one last time that I didn’t want another delivery like Laelas, and she very calmly replied “Has this been anything like Laelas?” And even in that moment of panic, I realized how right she was! The day had been comfortable, and controlled, and I felt so safe. I hadn’t been in any pain or discomfort the entire time. My doctor had come in specifically for me, and my nurse was unbelievable. That was a good moment for me. Clarity in the midst of crazy. I loved it.
I didn’t love everything else though. Those few minutes hurt a lot, but being less scared made it all hurt a little less. And then there was pressure. I never felt that pressure before with either kid! I am just one of those people that we all think are made up, who don’t feel the pain of labour until the very, very end.
Our of nowhere, my bed was taken apart and my feet were in stirrups. Dr. Guselle said to push with the next contraction, and before I even felt the contraction pain, she said “now!” So I did. I hadn’t actually pushed out a baby in 3.5 years, and didn’t totally remember how. I took in my breath and tried, but I felt super weak. It probably didn’t help that I didn’t hold my breath, and instead I said “I’ve got nothing behind this!” She said that was completely fine, and it all looked great, just keep going. So I did, and it all happened! I felt the whole baby come out, but no pain in that moment whatsoever. As soon as I had that contraction to focus on, I felt no pain. A total and complete miracle. As he surfaced, those in the room celebrated how fast it was all happening, and how I was seemingly so easily pushing him out. I heard people saying he had chubby cheeks. I heard that his hand was up by his face, same as his big sister. I did hear that his cord was around his neck, but it was nice and loose and easily unwrapped. The rest of him came out nice and quickly and easily, and I was able to have him laid on me for our first cuddle on the outside. He squawked for a minute or two, but quieted soon there after, and opted for laying face down on me, and sucking his fingers.
Still a little purpleAnd pinking up!
I won’t lie. It was completely surreal. I don’t favor or disfavour any of my kids, but this birth was hands down my favourite! I know that some people are really pumped about home birth, and I have every respect for them. It isn’t the choice I would make if I could choose, but I think that I get it. It is their ideal, and I can honestly say that this was mine. I got everything I could possibly want.
I got a nice, short labor of 5.5 hours.
I was in the hospital the whole time.
I had the BEST people around me.
I was in no pain almost the entire time. As in the ENTIRE day, minus 5-10 minutes.
I was encouraged and uplifted.
My husband could watch the baby being born and cut his cord.
I could hold the baby for a nice long while after he was born.
One stitch. One.
I had peace.
All of this said and done, it was a thrilling experience. I never felt belittled or like people were tip toeing around me. I felt comfortable and excited, and then I felt the euphoria of delivering my child. I didn’t cry in my other deliveries. Not because I didn’t love my kids, but with Dekker, it didn’t feel real, and with Laela, I was terrified. But with my brand new baby boy, Rowan Toby, I was anticipating the awesomeness that comes with having another baby, and I was elated at how the whole thing had played out. I know people prayed over me. This could never have been so smooth and epic without the covering of God.
Rowan Toby was born at 7:06pm on Monday, February 23rd, 2015. He was 8 lbs 6 oz and was 22” long. His head was 37cms and his chest 34cms. He is easily our skinniest but tallest baby yet.