Our first night at home was a bit choppy, but once we figured out that Rowan was ready to pretty well triple his feeding amounts, we got a six hour stretch! I definitely don’t expect such a thing this early in the game, but its nice to know its possible, and that likely our broken sleep was due to something we can help fix.
Ro slept through breakfast so we hung out with Dekker and Laela, and moseyed around the kitchen a bit, trying to maintain our routine of tidiness at least a little bit. It worked. It was nice to have the kids feel a little bit normal anyway. Dekker asked about Rowan right off the bat though. He wanted to know where his brother was. I love that.

Brady hung out downstairs with the kids for a nice chunk of the morning so I could phone date with my sister. It was really wonderful for me to be able to relive Rowans birth story with her. She has a really good understanding of what all went on with Laela’s birth, and therefore, a very clear perspective on the similarities and differences between this delivery and that one. She helped me feel very encouraged and loved and basically like I deliver babies like a rockstar, which is a great way to feel. It was so nice to visit with her. We always enjoy a great chat, but don’t get to them too often. Love you, sister.
In the early afternoon, a nurse from Healthy and Home came by to check on Rowan and I. She was a great sport about coming so far out of the city to see us, and the kids were super comfortable with her around. She was happy with all of our answers, and seemed to really trust that we knew what we were doing, which I totally appreciate. There are definitely those who act as though they know more than everyone. Not that I think I know more than her!! I’m well aware that she is educated as a nurse, and I am not, but I do know my kids 🙂 We had a nice time. Rowan checked out beautifully. He didn’t fuss once through the entire time she milked blood from his little heel, or with her cold stethoscope on his chest. He didn’t much care for being naked on the scale but recovered quickly. She also checked me over and said that everything is as it should be, without divulging too many details, haha! She was very encouraging, too, that I shouldn’t be afraid to take something for pain, and I am, but not as much as I thought I would be. I’m feeling better physically than I thought I’d be. To be honest, I’m finding more pain in all of the little sites (iv, blood draw, epidural, tired legs, mild contractions, etc.) than I am in my birthing bits. So far, Tylenol is seeming to be enough. Woot!
The nurse left around 2:00, and we put the kids down pretty much right afterwards. They weren’t exactly impressed, but it was a little bit later than their normal nap time already, and they actually fell asleep relatively quickly. Rowan was also ready for a nap, since we had given him a good drink while our nurse was out. So yes. On our first day at home, ALL THREE KIDS napped at once! Brady and I took that opportunity to lay in bed and watch some solid guilty pleasure tv. We have tons to do in this house, but today was not the day for it! Not that we were falling asleep standing up, or in awful pain, or generally miserable, but cmon! First day home! I had a baby Monday night. Wednesday afternoon is not the appropriate time to pull out the paint or scrub down a bathtub. Am I right?! Yes I am.
Rowan slept another uber-stretch through supper, and we actually got him up to come hang out in the basement for the last hour-ish of the day with everyone. We’re definitely still having to watch Laela really closely that she doesn’t poke him too hard in the face, or pull his hair, but when she is gentle, we clap like crazy and celebrate like maniacs and she LOVES that. Dekker still didn’t want to touch his baby brother, but he did sit beside the bouncy chair for a little while. He liked when Rowan was awake, and had his eyes open.
“Baby Rowan likes my airplanes?”
“Baby Rowan keeps looking at me!”
“Maybe Baby Rowan makes a funny face at Dekker and Dekker makes a funny face at Baby Rowan?!”
So its coming along nicely anyway 🙂 I didn’t have high expectations that Dekker would want to be especially hands on with him, especially in the beginning. This interaction is great for me!
The kids had a great evening downstairs, and even had a funny race up to their bedroom that seemed to make it a bit easier. I brought Rowan in for our usual few minutes of hugs and kisses and cuddles, and I could tell Dekker was a bit uncomfortable with it. When he came to hug me, he more so draped himself over one of my shoulders instead of around my neck. I encouraged him to come around my neck, and showed him he could without having to hug Rowan. Maybe that sounds mean, but I know my kid. He gave me a big hug and kiss, and then out of the blue, pointed to Rowan and said “Maybe he could hug me, mommy.” I held Rowan out to him, and Dekker gave him a big hug, and a kiss on the head before bailing to the other side of the room. This encouraged Laela to come over and point madly at Roro until I held him out for her. She rested her head on him momentarily (her version of a hug) and kissed his face. Leaving the room to “Night night, Rowan!” was just the cherry on top.
I brought him back to our room where I lay him in a pillow and turned on some lamps. Brady called me back into the kids room, saying that Dekker had made a special request for “a mom and a kiss.” I loved that, and went immediately. My big boy met me in the hallway just outside of his room. Dekker wanted me to himself, just for a quick second. He gave me a really big hug, then grabbed me face and planted a big kiss right on my mouth. “I love you, mommy. Sleep well!” And he closed the door on me. My heart…
So its truly been a spectacular day. I felt a little overwhelmed going into it, now that my body hurts a bit more and I hadn’t had much rest in the night, but these kids are epic people, and they really make life incredibly rich and dare I say easy most days.